Bed Bug Control

bedbug control
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Are bed bugs making it impossible for you to get a good night’s sleep? We feel your pain.Don’t waste another moment. Contact Skuas Pest Control Professionals to permanently kill bed bugs and get rid of them.Bed bugs, oval-shaped, brownish parasitic insects that feed on human blood and cause severe skin infections, allergic reactions, itching, swelling, and burning sensations.Bedbugs leave ugly marks all over the body and create unhygienic conditions.Since they multiply quickly, you must eliminate bed bugs as early as possible.

We will treat bed bugs hiding in your furniture, mattresses, walls, curtains, and possessions using 100% safe and odorless sprays and non-toxic chemicals.With us on the job, you can completely eradicate bed bugs from your home and office space, allowing you to enjoy a good night’s sleep once again.

Bed Bug Control (Treatment Method)

  • Inspection of Premises Before Treatment.
  • Two experienced technicians will carry out the treatment.
  • We will spray approved chemicals on the spot and targeted areas.
  • We will use an SS brush to crush bedbug eggs.
  • De-dusting will treat electrical junction boxes, cracks, and crevices as required based on the infestation level.
  • We will use a vacuum cleaner as needed.
  • We will install monitoring traps to track pest activity.
  • It is recommended to vacate the house for at least 2 hours after treatment, then ventilate.

Some FAQ About This Service

Its advice to do not touch any sprayed surfaces till the spray dries up. Once the chemical dries up, do not wash the surface with water or soap. Use a dry cloth to clean the surface. In case of High Infestation level of Bedbugs (thoroughly spray).

Yes, the service is safe for elders, children’s and pets. However, it is advisable to keep elders, children’s and pets away from sprayed surfaces until the surface dries up.

The AMC Visits enhances the effect of the service by targeting hidden bedbugs, and bedbugs eggs.